Back pain is one of the most common conditions treated by osteopaths.
Back Pain Facts
Patrick Esson Osteopathy can help you with your back pain!
The spine is made up of 24 small bones, or vertebra, stacked on top of each other. Each vertebra is separated from the next by a cartilage disc which provides shock absorption. All these structures are held together by strong ligaments and muscles in a mobile column. The spine is thought to be one of the most robust and resilient parts of the body, able to withstand large amounts of force, making it difficult to truly injure or damage.
However, it is estimated that 80% of adults will experience low back pain at some point in their lifetimes. Pain can vary from aching or stiffness to sharp or shooting pain, and last from a few moments, to weeks, or months. This pain is often influenced by a variety of factors, including lack of exercise or activity, being overweight, stress and anxiety, poor nutrition, previous experiences of back pain, and working the back too much too quickly.
Patients can find their daily lives become disrupted, struggling with normally simple tasks such as dressing, washing or moving about the house. In some cases, a patient’s ability to work can be impacted or their enjoyment of hobbies and activities reduced.
Patrick Esson Osteopathy can provide exercise rehabilitation for your back pain.
Back Pain Positives
Thankfully there’s lots of good news about back pain too! Firstly, 90% of those who experience back pain are better within three months. Secondly, while experiencing back pain can be scary and unsettling, it is known that only about 1% of cases are linked to serious problems such as infections, tumours or fractures. Furthermore, the back pain experienced by 9 out of 10 people is non-specific in nature, meaning there is no obvious structural cause, so you can get back to doing what you enjoy sooner!
Finally, Patrick Esson Osteopathy is here to help you! During your assessment we will look to rule out any concerning causes of back pain and try to give you a clear explanation to reassure you as much as possible. We will work with you to create a treatment plan that is specific to you and focussed on getting you back to your best. We may use some techniques such as soft tissue or joint manipulation, but we will also give you the tools to help yourself including an exercise rehabilitation programme and general self-care advice.
If you are experiencing back pain don’t suffer any longer, Patrick Esson Osteopathy would love to help! Book an appointment online now, or get in touch to discuss taking the next step in your recovery.